Student Activities

For more information on the clubs and activities available, click on the name of the group (if the group has a web page or Facebook page, you will be directed there for the latest information). You can also contact the club/activity advisor by clicking on the person's name.

Junior High Students Only

Academic Quiz Bowl Team
Rachel Keyes

Junior High Play
Amy Askins

Junior High Yearbook
Heather McGlothen
Katie Poppa

Lumberjack Leaders
Kristie Savino
Sally Harper
Hilary Waugh

Math Competition Club
Ben Boehm

No Place for Hate
Hilary Waugh
Mindy Hoffer

Heather McGlothen
Katie Poppa

Power of the Pen
(Google Classroom code umrqoqw)

Mindy Hoffer
Ann Whitehair

Student Council
Megan Joseph
Jess Walthour

Washington DC Excursion
Jennifer Simpson
Heather McGlothen

Junior and Senior High Students

BOLD (Building Our Lives Drug-Free)
Ellie Randall

Book Squad
Mindi Ashworth

Chess Club
Ian Callon

Circle of Friends
Rachael Judge
Becky Sledge

David Vasconez

D & D
Ellie Randall

Destination Imagination
Mallory Bright
Ceci White

Gaming Club
Ellie Randall

Girls Who Code Club (inactive 22/23)
Debbie Madison

Girl Talk
Kristie Savino
Hilary Waugh

Gratitude Group
Bridget Fiore
Caroline Woessner

Hope Squad
Bridget Fiore
Paige Lumpkins
Hilary Waugh

Lumberjack Theatre
Marie Jergens

Muse Machine
Jill Schalm

Knitting and Crocheting
Marie Jergens

Pups for People
Kristie Savino

The Faith Friends
Heather McGlothen

Visible and Resilient 
Amy Ostdiek