Student Handbook
Welcome to the online version of the 2024 - 2025 Oakwood Junior High School Student Handbook. You can find all of the following sections by scrolling down throughout the pages or you can click on a section in the Table of Contents and go directly to that section.
Table of Contents
Athletics and Activities
-Extracurricular Activities
-Athletic Eligibility Requirements
-Scholastic Eligibility Requirements
-Athletic Ticketing
-School Insurance
-Recognition and Awards
-Athletic Awards Policy
-Attendance Procedures
-Make-Up Work
-Schedule Changes
-Honors Courses
-Adjusted Curriculum
-Special Education Programs
-Student Well Being
Extracurricular Activities Code of Conduct
Grade Reporting to Parents
-Progress Book Viewer For Grades
-Grade Reports
-Yearly Averages
-Computing Grade Point Average
-Honor Roll Recognition
-Promotion and Retention
History of Oakwood Jr. and Sr. High School
Student Code of Conduct
-Dress Code
-Breath/Saliva Drug Tests
-Substance Abuse
-Harassment, Intimidation, and
Student Code of Conduct(cont.)
-Suspension, Expulsion, & Exclusion
-Saturday School
Miscellaneous Information
-Awards for Excellence
-Bell Schedule
-Bicycle Parking
-Board Policy on Drug-Free Schools
-Building Hours and Security
-College Credit Plus
-Confidentiality of Records
-Directory Information
-Educational Records
-Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
-Field Trips
-Fire Drills and Tornado Drills
-Guidance and Counseling Services
-Health Services
Emergency Medical Information
24 Hour Guideline
Food Allergy Guidelines
Medication Policy
-Information Update
-Instructional Materials
-Lost and Found
-Lost Books
-Notice of Nondiscrimination
Dr. Neil Gupta
Tim Badenhop
Paul Stone
Paul Stone
Hilary Waugh
Dawne Roeckner
Emily Nave
Andrea Lokai
Missy Sutton
Liz Short
Amy Samosky
Bridget Fiore
Melissa Tinker
Abby Riedel
Matt Sproat
Phone Numbers
Attendance Office
Junior High Office
Athletic Office
OHS Guidance Office
Senior High Office
Board of Education
Health Services Fax Number
(937) 297-5330
(937) 297-5328
(937) 297-5342
(937) 297-5326
(937) 297-5325
(937) 297-5332
(937) 637-9043
Contact Information
Civil Rights Compliance Officer
EMAD Coordinator
Liaison for Homeless Children
Allyson Couch, Director of Educational Services
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-7802
Prevailing Wage Coordinator
Public Records Training Designee
Laura Sauber, Treasurer
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
OSHA Safety Director
Toxic Hazard Preparedness Officer
Mr. Frank Eaton, Operations Coordinator
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
Anti-Harassment Complaint Coordinator
Dr. Neil Gupta, Superintendent
Oakwood City School District
20 Rubicon Road, Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
Anti-Harassment Complaint Investigator
Coordinator of Records:
Oakwood High School: Matt Salyer, Principal
1200 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5325
Oakwood Junior High School: Tim Badenhop, Principal
1200 Far Hills Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5328
Harman Elementary School: Sarah Patterson, Principal
735 Harman Avenue, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5338
Edwin D. Smith Elementary School: Cassie Schoch, Principal
1701 Shafor Boulevard, Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 297-5335
Lange School: Suzanne Batten, Special Education Supervisor/Principal
219 W. Dorothy Lane, Dayton, OH 45429
(937) 299-8730
Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Dr. Kimbe Lange
Oakwood City Schools
20 Rubicon Rd., Dayton, OH 45409
(937) 297-5332
OJH Statement of Purpose
The educational program of Oakwood Junior High School is designed and developed to provide for a common education in basic knowledge and skills; stimulate diversified interests; assist students in making intelligent decisions concerning their future; meet the various individual needs of the students; provide satisfactory developmental social experiences; and provide a gradual transition from preadolescent education to learning experiences suited to the needs and interests of young adults.
Academic Terms
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Begins 08/14 10/14 01/06 03/17
Ends 10/11 12/20 03/14 05/30
*Semester Exams: December 18, 19, 20 and May 28, 29, 30
- Regular Schedule
- Extended Advisory Schedule at 11:27 (28 min)
- Pep Rally Schedule at 2:54 (21 min)
- Two-Hour Delay Schedule
- Testing Schedule
- Early Dismissal
- One-Hour Delay
Regular Schedule
Extended Advisory Schedule at 11:27 (28 min)
Pep Rally Schedule at 2:54 (21 min)
Two-Hour Delay Schedule
Testing Schedule
Early Dismissal
One-Hour Delay
For questions, who do I contact?
If you have a specific inquiry relating to your son or daughter’s schoolwork or activities, or a general question about the school program or one of its facets, don’t hesitate to contact your junior high student’s counselor or principal. This staff member will either be able to answer your question or will refer you to the appropriate member of the faculty who should have an answer.
Gifted Identification and Services
The Oakwood Board of Education has adopted a policy, in accordance with Ohio Revised Code 3324.01-3324.07 and Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15, for identifying children who are gifted. The state mandates that all students have the opportunity to be assessed for possible "giftedness" based on the state's specific definition of giftedness, which follows:
Students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability (math, science, social studies, reading/writing), creative thinking ability, and/or visual/performing arts ability (visual arts, music, dance, drama).
The district uses an approach of assessment and identification to identify students who perform, or show potential for performing, at high levels of accomplishment in these domains. To be identified as "gifted" a student must achieve the requisite cutoff score on an assessment instrument authorized by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), which sets cutoff scores. Children may participate in either whole-grade assessment or referral-based assessment. Whole-grade level assessment occurs at grades 2, 4, and 6 in Oakwood City School District. For referral-based assessment, children may be referred for possible gifted identification on an ongoing basis based upon child request (self-referral), teacher recommendation, parent/guardian request, child referral of peer, or other referral. Referral forms are available on the Oakwood website under the gifted department.
While the State of Ohio requires that students have the opportunity to be assessed for giftedness, it does not require districts to provide services for students who are identified as gifted. Through local tax dollars, Oakwood employs three (3) Gifted Intervention Specialists (GIS) who assist teachers at Lange, Harman, Smith, and the Junior/Senior High Schools in working with students identified as gifted.
The gifted services revolve around instructional activities for students who have been identified in each of the four domains of giftedness defined by the state of Ohio. The district ensures equal opportunity for all students identified as gifted to receive services offered by the district. Additionally, students who participate in gifted services are guided by the development and implementation of Written Education Plans (WEPs) that document student data, goals, and progress. Differentiated instruction in the classroom is the linchpin of the program. Differentiated instruction requires modifying process, content, or product according to student need, readiness, and interest, and it is often performed in consultation with the Gifted Intervention Specialist. Our instructional program at all levels continues to evolve in order to meet the needs of our learners, and annually revised gifted services matrices are available from the Gifted Intervention Specialists.
At the secondary level, we offer services to students identified as gifted through curricular offerings, including enrichment electives, honors and Advanced Placement courses, cluster-grouping, co-teaching models, and educational options. For more information regarding this program, contact the Gifted Intervention Specialist at 937-297-5328.
Oakwood City School District
High-Quality Learning:
TOGETHER, we invest in professional growth, align our curriculum, and foster critical thinking. We aim to ignite a passion for learning in every student, ensuring they are equipped with the skills needed for lifelong success.
Safe, Secure and Welcoming Environment:
TOGETHER, we enhance physical safety and nurture an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued. Our goal is to create a learning environment where students not only feel secure but also seen, heard and respected.
Effective and Transparent Operations:
TOGETHER, we maintain our community’s trust and manage our resources responsibly. We are committed to transparency and fiscal responsibility, ensuring that our operations are aligned with the best interests of our students and the Oakwood community.
Together We Learn. Together We Achieve. Together We Prepare Students for Tomorrow.
This mission reflects our commitment to unity and our collective responsibility to prepare every student for the unpredictable challenges of the future. It is a testament to the strength of our community and the shared dedication to excellence in education.
Core Values
EXCELLENCE: Excellence is our commitment to superior standards in all that we do. We pursue continued growth and strive to achieve the highest levels of performance in all endeavors.
COMMUNITY: Community describes a commitment to our students that is shared by our citizens, families, faculty and staff. Our students thrive when relationships and a sense of common purpose are focused towards making a positive difference in their lives.
TRUST: Trust is the confidence we place in one another to act with integrity and in the best interests of our students.
RESPECT: It is important that we seek ways to demonstrate our understanding of and appreciation for differences among us. All of our students deserve to experience the excellence Oakwood offers in ways that complement their individual strengths and needs.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Accountability is the commitment to examine all endeavors with a constructive and critical eye in order to take responsible and dynamic action.
SERVICE: Going beyond self and giving back to the broader community are essential experiences for personal growth.
TRADITION: We celebrate our history by appreciating our traditions. A shared sense of belonging to a special place inspires commitment to quality.
FUTURE: We honor our history by embracing the future. This requires leadership at all levels that is forward thinking and informed by divergent perspectives.
History of Oakwood Jr./Sr. High School
For over 150 years, the Oakwood School system has served its community through several stages of expansion and development. In 1846, district Number Seven, Van Buren Township, was the first elementary school established in the area. In 1909 it was moved to the northwest corner of Harman and Dixon Avenues where a barn was purchased and converted into a school building. Soon after Harman Avenue School moved out of its first building, “The Barn”, into a new brick structure; plans were made to establish a high school in Oakwood.
High school classes were organized and met in rooms at the elementary school during the designing and construction of the high school. In 1922 the Board of Education acquired a ten-acre farm on Far Hills Avenue in the geographical center of Oakwood. A high school building was designed in the style of an English country manor by the architectural firm of Schenck and Williams. Oakwood High School was completed for the 1923-1924 school year, and of the 125 students in attendance, eight seniors were graduated that spring. The building quickly became a “must” for visiting educators to see, as its beauty and atmosphere were unusual in a school building. The art room was one of the first fully equipped facilities in the country. An additional 5.5 acres were purchased to complete the site in 1924. A field house was built in 1929 and by 1932 this first expansion which also included a junior high school with a library, shop and band room was completed. Stadium construction was approved in 1936.
A new part of the building was created between 1959 and 1961 by passing a science wing through the courtyard, and the guidance offices came from the remodeling of a large classroom in 1961. Next came construction of the second floor addition above the science wing in 1967. Major remodeling included the instrumental music room, auditorium and library. In 1990, the building was made accessible to the handicapped by adding an elevator and a new hallway to connect the senior hall and the freshman hall.
Beginning in 2003, the school underwent major updating primarily to the north end of the building including the addition of five classrooms, a faculty work area, new restrooms, and a second elevator. In addition, the locker rooms were modernized and expanded and a new “colonnade” façade was added to the “Pit” entrance on the east side. Classroom renovations were completed in September 2005.
Lane Stadium is Oakwood’s newest symbol of the broader community’s support for and investment in its children, and it represents a shared vision for future generations. Finished in 2017, this new athletic complex is the home of Oakwood’s soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, and track and field teams.
In 2019, phase one of a new facilities plan started at the High School and Junior High School. This resulted in a new heating and air-conditioning system. The High School maintained its exterior look with a new slate roof and copper gutters. The “Pit” was improved with the removal of the dropped ceiling, exposing the beams and rafters in order to create a much more open and historical look. This work was completed in the summer of 2021. In 2024, we added our Rick and Jane Schwarz Performing Arts Wing.
Today’s appearance of Oakwood High School from Far Hills Avenue is nearly identical to the drawing from a 1920’s brochure published before the school was built. Inside changes help provide students with the facilities needed for education in the new millennium.
Attendance Procedures
Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321.01:
All children between ages six (6) and eighteen (18) are of compulsory school age and must attend school.
Ohio Revised Code, Section 3321.03:
It is the parent’s responsibility to cause the child to attend school.
Although the compulsory attendance laws of Ohio and State Board of Education regulations on attendance require rigorous enforcement by the school administration and faculty, of far greater significance to the student should be the fact that his attendance record is frequently instrumental in determining his future.
Regularity in attendance and punctuality are recognized attributes of the “work ethic” and prospective employers are generally as interested in a student’s attendance record and pattern of absence as they are in his academic and social accomplishments. Many personnel officers make the assumption that if a student is absent or tardy excessively from school, then he will not be the most dependable employee. Of immediate significance to the junior high student is the fact that habits established now will have an impact upon attendance patterns later!
Absenteeism also affects a student’s ability to function at an optimum level. Some work that is missed in the classroom cannot be adequately made up. Sometimes absenteeism can have a major impact on the final grade a student receives for a given subject.
- Attendance Personnel
- Reporting and Monitoring Student Absences - Attendance Line (937) 297-5330
- Excused Absences
- Documentation of Absence/Tardy
- Unexcused Absences and Truancy
- Student Vacations During the School Year
- Appointments During the School Day
- Leaving School Before Regular Dismissal
- Attendance and After-school Activities
- Make-up Work
- Policy for Collecting Make-up Work
Attendance Personnel
Reporting and Monitoring Student Absences - Attendance Line (937) 297-5330
Excused Absences
Documentation of Absence/Tardy
Unexcused Absences and Truancy
Student Vacations During the School Year
Appointments During the School Day
Leaving School Before Regular Dismissal
Attendance and After-school Activities
Make-up Work
Policy for Collecting Make-up Work
General Information
Grade Reporting to families
The classroom teacher enjoys a great deal of flexibility in determining his procedure for grading and in arriving at a grade for the individual student. The most important consideration for the teacher must be, “Is the grading procedure I use educationally sound, and does it yield valid and fair results?”
Progress Book Parent Viewer For Grades: Grades are available online in real time through our grading program, ProgressBook. Please realize that it takes time for the teachers to input grades into their grade books. Allow up to two weeks for major assignments to be recorded. Username and password information remain the same as previous years. If you should have a problem with your username and password please contact the technology office at (937) 297-1513.
Grade Reports: Formal grade reports will be posted on ProgressBook during the school year at the conclusion of each quarter. June report cards will be mailed home.
Yearly Averages: Generally, the yearly average is an average of the two semester averages, in many cases adjusted either upward or downward according to the student’s grade “trends.”
Grading Scale:
90-100: A
80-89: B
70-79: C
60-69: D
below 60: F
Computing Grade Point Averages For Honor Roll: In the computation of grade point averages, the letter grades are assigned the following quality points: A = 4 points; B = 3 points; C = 2 points; D = 1 point; F = 0 points.
Sample Student Grade Calculation
Class | Periods | Grade | Quality | Total Points |
English | 5 | A | 4 | 20 |
Social Studies | 5 | B | 3 | 15 |
Mathematics | 5 | A | 4 | 20 |
Science | 5 | B | 3 | 15 |
World Language | 5 | C | 2 | 10 |
Home Economics | 5 | A | 4 | 20 |
Chorus | 2 | B | 3 | 6 |
Keyboarding | 2 | B | 3 | 6 |
TOTAL | 34 | 112 |
112 total points ÷34 total periods=3.3 GPA
Honor Roll Recognition: Students will receive honor roll recognition based on their quarter grades in all subjects. Any grade of “incomplete” will disqualify a student from honor roll placement. Eligible students will be listed by grade level on one of two lists.
High Honors - All students with a GPA of 3.750 or above.
Honors - All students with a GPA of 3.00 or above but less than 3.750.
Semester examinations are given at the conclusion of each semester.
Properly constructed and carefully administered semester examinations, together with the related activities of review, provide students with many opportunities for educationally valuable learning experiences. In addition, a well-prepared exam can be a good evaluative tool for the teacher in measuring the effectiveness of instruction.
At the 7th and 8th grade levels, examinations are given a weight of only one-seventh of the semester average. The intent is to expose younger students to the discipline of a comprehensive review and test administration, but with a lesser risk involved than at the senior high school level.
An examination is given in all “core” subjects including world language. Arts and activities classes have exams at the discretion of the teacher. Examinations for classes meeting fewer than five times per week are administered during the last regular class meeting of the semester.
If a student has three examinations scheduled on one day, he may arrange to have his schedule adjusted by contacting his teachers. All other requests for modifications in individual examination schedules must be submitted to the counselor for approval.
The examination schedule currently in use was originally developed through the cooperative efforts of both faculty and students in an attempt to give each student an optimum opportunity to prepare adequately for each examination. Students should be encouraged to use the time for comprehensive review. A quiet, supervised study area will be provided at school for those students who wish to study in the school environment.
Promotion and Retention
At the seventh and eighth grade levels, students will be permitted to progress with their class if they fail no more than one of the four “core skill” courses of English, mathematics, science, and social studies.
If a seventh or eighth grade student fails two or more of the “basic skill” units, s/he will be required to complete remedial work in one or more of the following ways:
1) Participation in a recognized junior high or middle school summer program provided by a school – whether traditional or online – chartered by the Ohio Department of Education or a recognized educational agency of another state.
2) Private tutoring provided by a properly certified teacher; the equivalent of one year of make-up work in one subject will be granted for twenty (20) hours of one-to-one tutoring and forty (40) hours of homework activities; successful completion of a final examination in that subject as prescribed by the principal.
Parents who secure private one-to-one tutoring should be aware of the following:
The tutor must be approved in advance by the principal.
The tutor must possess a valid secondary certificate or a valid elementary certificate with teaching experience in the intermediate grades in the subject in question.3.
All tutoring time and homework time must be formally logged by the tutor and submitted on a form provided by the school.
The student will be expected to complete successfully a proficiency examination administered by the school.
*All students should obtain prior approval from the principal before enrolling in another district’s summer school program in order to be assured that the make-up work can be accepted.
A student must eliminate all but one of the subject area deficiencies before he will be permitted to progress with his class.
Athletics and Activities
Listed below are the extracurricular activities normally available to Oakwood Junior High Students. Click on the activity title for more information. For more specific details concerning a specific program, contact the Athletic Office at 937-297-5342 or the principal at 937-297-5328. The interscholastic program is organized as a four-year senior high school and two-year junior high school.
PLEASE NOTE: Curricular activities such as Band, Chorus and Orchestra will take priority over extracurricular activities when scheduling conflicts occur.
Athletic Eligibility Requirements and Interpretation
All members of interscholastic athletic squads (boys and girls), cheerleading squads, and managers must meet specific eligibility requirements. By-law 4, Section 4 of the constitution and By-Laws of the Ohio High School Athletic Association states the following regarding scholastic requirements.
A student enrolling in the seventh grade for the first time will be eligible for the first grading period regardless of previous academic achievement. Thereafter, in order to be eligible, a student in grade 7 or 8 must be currently enrolled and must have been enrolled in school the immediately preceding grading period and received passing grades during that grading period in a minimum of five of those subjects in which the student received grades.
A student enrolled in the first grading period after advancement from the 8th grade must have passed a minimum of five of all subjects carried the immediately preceding grading period in which the student was enrolled.
If a student’s failure to meet the requirements of this bylaw are due to an “incomplete” given in one or more courses which the student was taking during the grading period in question, the student may have his/her eligibility restored by the Commissioner’s office once the “incomplete” has been changed to a passing letter grade. Tutoring or examinations to complete the preceding grading period requirements is permissible provided that privilege is accorded to every student and the inability to complete required work on time is due to illness or accident verified by a physician.
The Commissioner’s office may waive the enrollment requirements of this by-law provided the student has been withdrawn or removed from school because of circumstances due to personal accident, illness or family hardship. An appeal for such a waiver must come from the principal of the school and be in writing. The appeal for waiver shall contain documents with school and medical supporting evidence.
Board of Education Policy (Effective July 1, 1998) Scholastic Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Interscholastic Extracurricular Activities
A student in grades 7-12 must receive a minimum GPA of 1.75 for each grading period in order to be eligible for an “interscholastic extracurricular activity” for the ensuing grading period. “Interscholastic extracurricular activity” means a pupil activity program that the school sponsors or participates in and that includes participants from more than one school or school district. “Interscholastic extracurricular activity” does not include any activity included in the school district’s graded course of study.
A student who fails to achieve the 1.75 minimum GPA requirement will be placed on academic probation for the next grading period. During academic probation, the student will be permitted to participate. Academic probations are limited to one per school year.
A student enrolling in the 7th grade for the first time is eligible for the first grading period regardless of previous academic achievement. A student who receives a failing grade may participate if he/she otherwise meets eligibility requirements. Students in interscholastic athletics must also meet the minimum Ohio High School Athletic Association requirements in order to be eligible for participation. No students can be exempted from this policy.
Student Participation and Physical Examination Form
1.Athletic pre-participation forms (physical) for junior and senior high school participating shall be uploaded to Final Forms before any candidate for a team may participate in a practice or tryouts. These forms necessitate the physician’s certification of the individual’s physical fitness no less than once each year.
2. If a student-athlete transfers to another school, the physical examination forms may be transferred to the new school.
3. Section 3313.712 of the Ohio Revised Code reads in part as follows: “This section does not require any school child to receive a medical examination or receive medical treatment whose parent or guardian objects thereto.” A form certifying this objection shall be signed by the parent or guardian and attached to the Parental Approval Form.
4. Students participating in the interscholastic athletic program are protected by the OHSAA catastrophic insurance policy.
5. Parents/Guardians are required to sign all electronic forms on Final Forms.
6. Any new high school student to Oakwood should meet with the Director of Athletics and Student Activities upon enrollment to determine if additional paperwork is necessary to establish eligibility.
Please Note: Scholastic Eligibility Requirements must be followed per Board of Education Policy noted above. The following activities as well as all Interscholastic Athletics fall under this policy: Academic Team, Cheerleaders, Debate Team and NFL members.
School insurance
The Ohio High School Athletic Association sponsors a catastrophic insurance policy to cover all junior high athletes, who participate in interscholastic programs. The policy is designed to cover cases of severe injury that results in prolonged hospitalization and doctor’s care. Protection does not begin until costs exceed $25,000. Please contact the Junior High Athletic Director for questions regarding the school insurance.
Recognition and Awards
Athletic awards
A team member in good standing for the entire season will receive a junior high award.
The junior high award will be a 4" felt “O” with a Swiss sport insert. A metal grade level insert and a certificate will also be awarded.
A junior high award will be presented in each sport the first year it is earned. In subsequent years, if another junior high award is earned in the same sport, a grade level insert and certificate will be issued.
Extracurricular Activities Code of Conduct
The District expects that all students at Oakwood High School and Junior High School will abide by the laws of the United States, the State of Ohio, and the City of Oakwood; will observe the lawful policies and administrative procedures and guidelines enacted by the Board of Education and the school administration, and will adhere particularly to the principles of the Student Code of Conduct. This Extracurricular Activities Code of Conduct is a specific statement, within the broader expectations, as to that behavior expected of those whose participation in school-sponsored activities causes them to interact with the public and thus represent the school district. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege earned by adhering to the expected standards. We intend to provide a strong incentive for students representing the Oakwood City Schools to demonstrate high personal standards and good citizenship at all times, and especially while participating in school-sponsored activities and athletics. We intend to encourage honesty and personal integrity in our students as a preeminent value. We intend for those who do not meet such standards to receive early and appropriate intervention and support, to help those who desire it, and to deny the privilege of participation to students unwilling to meet the commitments that the school district expects and articulates in this Policy.
- Participating Student means any student attending Oakwood High School or Oakwood Junior High School during any Covered period.
- Prohibited Substance means any substance, including alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, or drugs, if the sale, use, possession or transfer of such substance is prohibited by law or school policy for such student.
- Covered Period means academic year and other periods during which a student is participating in an extracurricular activity.
- Day means a calendar day.
- Contest means any regular season or tournament competition, but excludes scrimmages.
- Family Education and/or Individual Assessment means that program of rehabilitation counseling determined to be necessary by the Director of Athletics and Student Activities, after consulting with the Guidance Chairman and the Prevention/Intervention Counselor. The selected program may be conducted by the staff of the Oakwood City School District or by an outside agency or professional acceptable to the Director of Athletics and Student Activities at Oakwood High School.
- Extracurricular Activity means any athletic or non-athletic activity recognized as such by the Board of Education and for which academic credit is not granted. Extracurricular activities include athletics, speech and debate, student council, class officers, academic team, project support, etc.
- Curricular Activity means any activity for which a student receives a grade.
- Co-curricular activities are activities related to academic courses, but are not required to earn credit in the course (i.e., French Club, Spanish Club, etc.)
- Involvement means being penalized for a violation of either Policy A: Substance Abuse, or Policy B: Serious Misconduct, under this Student Code of Conduct. Involvements are cumulative during a student’s attendance at the junior high/senior high school, whether Policy A or Policy B is violated.
Policy A: Substance Abuse
No participating student shall use, possess, give, sell or otherwise transmit, or be under the influence of a prohibited substance.
Police B: Serious Misconduct
A participating student shall not engage in serious misconduct. Any behavior which could reasonably be expected to result in harm to one’s self or to another person, which is destructive of property, which disrupts school activities, or tends to conflict with the respect inherent in this basic principle, is prohibited. This may include, but is not limited to drinking and driving, physical assault, destruction of property, stealing, inappropriate use of social media, etc.
student code of conduct
General Statement: All Oakwood Junior High School students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting a basic belief in the worth and dignity of every person. Therefore, any behavior which could reasonably be expected to result in harm to one’s self or to another person, which is destructive of property or any school employee’s personal property, which disrupts school activities, or which tends to conflict with the respect inherent in this basic principle, is prohibited.
The rules of conduct listed herein apply to all school sponsored activities, on and off campus, The list of school sponsored activities will include, but not be limited to, the following: band camp, all band trips and contests, all athletic events, all dances, after play parties, graduation rehearsal and ceremony, all banquets sponsored by school organizations, all intramural contests and practices, and all field trips.
The Board of Education has adopted a policy governing the suspension, expulsion and removal and permanent exclusion of pupils from the schools of the Oakwood City School District. That policy is incorporated by reference into this handbook as is fully rewritten herein. A copy of the Board's policy is posted at the Board Office or available online at, in the student handbook and will be made available to any pupil upon request. See BOE policy 5610 and 5610.01 for the definitions of Emergency Removal, Suspension, Expulsion and Permanent Exclusion.
Breath/Saliva Drug Tests
Oakwood City Schools reserves the right to require students to submit to the administration of a breathalyzer/saliva drug test both as a condition for admission/attendance/ participation at school activities – including activities off campus – and at any other times deemed necessary by school or district officials.
substance abuse
The administration shall establish rules and regulations which combine disciplinary action for violation of student code, with incentives for self-improvement. Disciplinary action for student use, possession, distribution, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol or drug paraphernalia shall conform to the Board of Education Policy.
Board Policy on Prohibition Against Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying behavior by any student in the Oakwood City School District is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying in accordance with R.C. 3313.666 means any intentional written, verbal, graphic, or physical act including electronically transmitted acts i.e., Internet, cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA), or wireless hand-held device, either overt or covert, by a student or group of students toward other students, including violence within a dating relationship, with the intent to harass, intimidate, injure, threaten, ridicule, or humiliate. Such behaviors are prohibited on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any such school-sponsored activity, on school provided transportation, or at any official school bus stop that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:
A. Causing mental or physical harm to the other students including placing an individual in reasonable fear of physical harm and/or damaging of students’ personal property; and
B. Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other students.
Cyberbullying: "Cyberbullying" is prohibited at any time on school property or at school functions. Cyberbullying includes, but is not limited to the following: (1) posting slurs or rumors or other disparaging remarks about a student or school staff member on a website; (2) sending email or instant messages that are mean or threatening, or so numerous as to drive up the victim's cell phone bill; (3) using a camera phone to take and send embarrassing photographs/recordings of students or school staff members or post these images on video sharing sites such as YouTube; (4) posting misleading or fake photographs of students or staff members on websites. To the extent permitted by the First Amendment, instances of cyberbullying off school grounds that disrupt the school environment or interfere with the learning process will be considered violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
Complaint Procedure: The School District will take action against anyone who harasses, intimidates, or bullies another. Any parent, student, staff, or community member may report suspected harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Verbal reports made to any staff member will be forwarded to the supervising administrator and recorded. Written reports will be submitted to the supervising administrator and investigated. Building administrators and the Superintendent are responsible for conducting investigations. The investigator(s) shall be a neutral party having had no involvement in the complaint presented.
Students are encouraged to talk with a counselor, principal or another adult within the school if they feel uncomfortable about the behavior of an adult inside or outside the academic environment.
Hazing: In accordance with Ohio law (Revised Code Section 2903.31) all forms of hazing are prohibited. This refers to any act of initiation that might subject a student to physical risk or emotional and mental abuse in any school-sponsored activity.
suspension, Expulsion & Exclusion
Please refer to Oakwood City Schools Policies 5610 through 5611 for expanded definitions and due process rights regarding suspensions, expulsions, and permanent exclusion.
Emergency Removal shall be the exclusion of a student who poses a continued danger to District property or persons in the District or whose behavior presents an ongoing threat of disrupting the educational process provided by the District.
Suspension shall be the temporary exclusion of a student by the school principal, superintendent, or other designated administrators of the District from the District's program for a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. A school day is defined as a day school is in session. If school is cancelled during a suspension, the suspension will be applied to the next day school is in session.
Expulsion shall be the exclusion of a student from the schools of this District for a period not to exceed eighty (80) school days or the number of school days remaining in a semester or term in which the incident that gives rise to the expulsion takes place, unless the incident involves a knife or firearm. If a student brings a knife or firearm to school or onto any other property owned or controlled by the Board, including a school vehicle, he shall be expelled for one (1) year unless the Superintendent reduces the punishment for reasons related to the specific circumstance. (See Board Policy 5610 for complete definition) Permanent Exclusion - See Board Policy 5610.01 for definition.
Students will be automatically suspended out-of-school for the following offenses:
1. Possession, use, transmission, and/or concealment of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, and/or drugs.
2. Transmission, concealment, creation, handling, and/or use of dangerous weapons and/or instruments.
3. Disruption and/or obstruction of the educational curricular or extracurricular process by use of violence, force, coercion and/or threat, or excessively disruptive behavior.
4. Repeated violation of school rules and policies including failure to serve assigned Saturday Schools and detentions.
5. Serious misconduct in violation of any school rule.
Suspension/Loss of Leadership Positions
A suspended student may forfeit any leadership position and any opportunity to hold a leadership position in an extracurricular, co-curricular activity for one (1) calendar year for a first suspension, and for the remainder of the student's tenure at OJH for a second or subsequent suspension.
Suspension/Expulsion Procedures
Please refer to Oakwood City Schools Policy 5611 about due process rights regarding:
1. Verbal notice that student may be suspended/expelled.
2. Written notice of intent to suspend
3. Hearing with building administrator
4. Written notice of suspension
5. Verbal/written notice of right to appeal
The Board of Education has adopted a policy governing the suspension, expulsion, removal and permanent exclusion of pupils from the schools of the Oakwood City School District. That policy is incorporated by reference into the handbook as it is fully rewritten herein. A copy of the Board's policy will be made available to any pupil upon request.
Saturday School/Friday Evening School
A Saturday/Friday Evening School program is available as a possible alternative to "out of school" suspension. It is intended to assist students in understanding that certain consequences exist for inappropriate behavior.
Saturday School or Friday Evening School sessions are held from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday or 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, under the supervision of Oakwood faculty members. Students are required to study during the three-hour sessions.
Certain major infractions, e.g. possession, use, transmission or concealment of mood changing substances; possession of dangerous weapons; the use of violence, force, coercion, or threat, may be of such seriousness as to make Saturday School/Friday Evening assignment an unacceptable alternative to suspension or expulsion.
Miscellaneous Information
- Announcements
- Awards for Excellence
- Bicycle Parking
- BOE Policy on Drug-Free Schools
- Building Hours and Security
- Cafeteria
- College Credit Plus
- Communications
- Confidentiality of Records
- Directory Information
- Educational Records
- Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Fees
- Field Trips
- Fines
- Fire Drills, Tornado Drills, Lockdown Drills
- Guidance and Counseling Services
- Health Services
- Information Update
- Instructional Materials
- Library Media Center (LMC)
- Lockers
- Lost and Found
- Lost Books
- Multi-Tiered Support Systems (MTSS)
- Notice of Nondiscrimination
- Parent Conferences
- Privileged Communications
- Safety and Security
- Search and Seizure
- Social Activities/OJH Dances
- Student Council
- Surveillance Cameras
- Surveys
- Tutoring
- Visitors
- Waiver of Fees
- Wireless Communication Devices
Awards for Excellence
Bicycle Parking
BOE Policy on Drug-Free Schools
Building Hours and Security
College Credit Plus
Confidentiality of Records
Directory Information
Educational Records
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Field Trips
Fire Drills, Tornado Drills, Lockdown Drills
Guidance and Counseling Services
Health Services
Information Update
Instructional Materials
Library Media Center (LMC)
Lost and Found
Lost Books
Multi-Tiered Support Systems (MTSS)
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Parent Conferences
Privileged Communications
Safety and Security
Search and Seizure
Social Activities/OJH Dances
Student Council
Surveillance Cameras
Waiver of Fees
Wireless Communication Devices
Student Network and Internet acceptable use and safety policy
Advances in telecommunications and other related technologies have fundamentally altered the ways in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred in society. Such changes are driving the need for educators to adapt their means and methods of instruction, and the way they approach student learning, to harness and utilize the vast, diverse, and unique resources available on the Internet. The Board of Education is pleased to provide Internet services to its students. The District’s Internet system has a limited educational purpose. The District’s Internet system has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The Board has the right to place restrictions on its use to assure that use of the District’s Internet system is in accord with its limited educational purpose. Student use of the District’s computers, network and Internet services (“Network”) will be governed by this policy and the related administrative guidelines, and the Student Code of Conduct. The due process rights of all users will be respected in the event there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of the Network. Users have no right or expectation to privacy when using the Network (including, but not limited to, privacy in the content of their personal files, emails, and records of their online activity while on the Network).
The Board encourages students to utilize the Internet in order to promote educational excellence in our schools by providing them with the opportunity to develop the resource sharing, innovation, and communication skills and tools that are essential to both life and work. The instructional use of the Internet will be guided by the Board's policy on instructional materials.
The Internet is a global information and communication network that provides students and staff with access to up‑to‑date, highly relevant information that will enhance their learning and the education process. Further, the Internet provides students and staff with the opportunity to communicate with other people from throughout the world. Access to such an incredible quantity of information and resources brings with it, however, certain unique challenges and responsibilities.
First, and foremost, the Board may not be able to technologically limit access, through the Board's Internet connection, to only those services and resources that have been authorized for the purpose of instruction, study and research related to the curriculum. Unlike in the past when educators and community members had the opportunity to review and screen materials to assess their appropriateness for supporting and enriching the curriculum according to adopted guidelines and reasonable selection criteria (taking into account the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of the students who would be exposed to them), access to the Internet, because it serves as a gateway to any publicly available file server in the world, will open classrooms and students to electronic information resources that have not been screened by educators for use by students of various ages.
Pursuant to Federal law, the Board has implemented technology protection measures, which protect against (e.g. filter or block) access to visual displays/depictions/materials that are obscene, constitute child pornography, and/or are harmful to minors, as defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act. At the discretion of the Board or the Superintendent, the technology protection measures may be configured to protect against access to other material considered inappropriate for students to access. The Board also utilizes software and/or hardware to monitor online activity of students to restrict access to child pornography and other material that is obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors. The technology protection measures may not be disabled at any time that students may be using the Network, if such disabling will cease to protect against access to materials that are prohibited under the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Any student who attempts to disable the technology protection measures will be subject to discipline.
The Superintendent or Technology Coordinator may temporarily or permanently unblock access to sites containing appropriate material, if access to such sites has been inappropriately blocked by the technology protection measures. The determination of whether material is appropriate or inappropriate shall be based on the content of the material and the intended use of the material, not on the protection actions of the technology protection measures.
Parents are advised that a determined user may be able to gain access to services and/or resources on the Internet that the Board has not authorized for educational purposes. In fact, it is impossible to guarantee students will not gain access through the Internet to information and communications that they and/or their parents may find inappropriate, offensive, objectionable or controversial. Parents assume risks by consenting to allow their child to participate in the use of the Internet. Parents of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using the Internet. The Board supports and respects each family's right to decide whether to apply for independent student access to the Internet.
Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education about the following:
a. Safety and security while using email, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications
b. The dangers inherent with the online disclosure of personally identifiable information
c. The consequences of unauthorized access (e.g., "hacking") cyberbullying and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online, and
d. Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors
Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and online safety and security as specified above. Furthermore, staff members will monitor the online activities of students while at school.
Monitoring may include, but is not necessarily limited to, visual observations of online activities during class sessions; or use of specific monitoring tools to review browser history and network, server, and computer logs.
Building principals are responsible for providing training so that Internet users under their supervision are knowledgeable about this policy and its accompanying guidelines. The Board expects that staff members will provide guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use of the Internet. Such training shall include, but not be limited to, education concerning appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyberbullying awareness and response. All Internet users (and their parents if they are minors) are required to sign a written agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy and its accompanying guidelines.
Students and staff members are responsible for good behavior on the Board's computers/network and the Internet just as they are in classrooms, school hallways, and other school premises and school sponsored events. Communications on the Internet are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communication apply. The Board does not sanction any use of the Internet that is not authorized by or conducted strictly in compliance with this policy and its accompanying guidelines.
Students shall not access social media for personal use from the District’s network, but shall be permitted to access social media for educational use in accordance with their teacher’s approved plan for such use.
Users who disregard this policy and its accompanying guidelines may have their use privileges suspended or revoked, and disciplinary action taken against them. Users granted access to the Internet through the Board's computers assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for uses of the Internet not authorized by this Board policy and its accompanying guidelines.
The Board designates the Superintendent and Technology Coordinator as the administrators responsible for initiating, implementing, and enforcing this policy and its accompanying guidelines as they apply to students’ use of the Network.
P.L. 106-554, Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000
47 U.S.C. 254(h), (1), Communications Act of 1934, as amended (2003)
20 U.S.C. 6801 et seq., Part F, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (2003)
18 U.S.C. 1460
18 U.S.C. 2246
18 U.S.C. 2256
20 U.S.C. 6777, 9134 (2003)
76 F.R. 56295, 56303
Adopted 5/14/2012