Welcome to OJH Scheduling Resources. We look forward to helping you plan your educational journey at Oakwood.
The educational program of Oakwood Junior High School is designed and developed to:
- Provide for a common education in basic knowledge and skills
- Stimulate diversified interests
- Assist students in making intelligent decisions concerning their future
- Meet the various individual needs of the students
- Provide satisfactory developmental social experiences
- Provide a gradual transition from preadolescent education to learning experiences suited to the needs and interests of adolescents
General Information
Course Load
The seventh and eighth grade program operates within a seven-period day, thus providing thirty-five periods per week in which to schedule both required and elective courses.
Junior high classes are offered in five different formats: full year, quarter, and semester. The full-year class meets one period every day for the entire school year, a quarter course meets one period every day for nine weeks, and a semester course meets one period every day for 18 weeks. The combination of these three types of classes gives students the flexibility to choose from a variety of courses during their two years of junior high school.
Information for Families
The purpose of the program of study is to provide information to both students and parents concerning the curricular and co-curricular offerings of the seventh and eighth grade years at Oakwood Junior High School.
Although many of the seventh and eighth grade courses are required for all students, opportunities for selecting a variety of elective subjects are available. Families play an important role in guiding their seventh or eighth grader toward a strategic selection of these courses. School personnel are ready to assist the student and his or her family as they make these important decisions.
The school counselor is available to answer any questions you might have. We invite you to contact the school counselor (937-297-5328) with any concerns that you have about the program of studies or registration for classes.
Honors Courses
Honors classes offered include Math 7H, Algebra I H, Geometry H, English 7H, and English 8H.
Factors used in selecting students for these classes include standardized achievement test scores, previous grades in the subject, general academic performance and teacher recommendations. Primary emphasis is on enrichment in the English course and on vertical content acceleration in the Mathematics courses. Placement in these groups is not static from year to year, but there are specific summer requirements for students wishing to move from non-honors to honors in either area. For more information on these requirements, please contact the school counselor at (937-297-5328).
Math Pathways
- Successful completion (grade of A or B) of an online Math 8 course is required for transfer to the honors pathway after Math 7.
- Students moving from Algebra I H to College Prep will be placed into Geometry.
- Summer college precalculus course would be taken at UD, WSU, Sinclair, or an approved online course.
- A grade of A or B is necessary to move forward in Honors courses. Students with a grade of C in the previous course must secure teacher approval before enrolling in an Honors course. Students earning a grade of D or F in a prerequisite course may not enroll in Honors or AP courses.
The Mathematics Department believes that it is best for students to take one year of math per year and to master the concepts as they go. However, for students on the below left pathway that want to accelerate so that they can take a calculus course in high school, the best options are:
1. Following Math 7, take the online summer program “TRECA,” and after successful completion, take Algebra 1 H the following school year.
2. Following Algebra I, take Geometry and Algebra II concurrently during 10th grade.
Program of Study
This page includes a searchable database of courses offered at Oakwood Junior High School. You can select a grade level and/or subject to see available courses. You can also search by keyword (i.e. math). Note: If you are searching by keyword, you must select ALL for both the grade and subject.
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- Fine Arts
Fundamentals of voice, choral singing, theory, harmony, and music appreciation are taught. Ensemble and solo work begins. In addition, students will also perform in the contemporary a cappella style. This group will perform at concerts and possibly community functions throughout the year.
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- Honors
- Math
This course derives mathematical concepts from real life situations. It incorporates topics from discrete mathematics, geometry, data analysis, and algebra. Students will use a variety of resources to solve problems. They will present and defend their solutions to problems. This course is offered to a select group of students who have successfully completed Mathematics 7H.
The pace of the course is accelerated and covers topics beyond the scope of a freshman algebra course. The course will utilize technology, especially the graphics calculator. Students are required to own a graphics calculator such as a TI-84 Plus. Students successfully completing this course and the final exam will receive one unit of high school mathematics credit.
Grades earned in the course will appear on their high school transcript and will be used in calculating their overall high school grade point average. Students should maintain a B average or higher to continue in the honors program.
- Grade 8
- Fine Arts
This ensemble is for seventh grade students who have satisfactorily completed sixth grade band and would like to continue their instrumental music learning. There are required performances outside the school day that are part of the students' quarter grades.
These include the high school varsity homecoming football game; the Fall Festival at the Oakwood Community Center; the junior high band winter and spring concerts; and Oakwood's That Day in May parade.
Students who do not have at least one year of experience on a band instrument should enroll in an alternative music course. Students with no prior experience may wish to take private lessons outside the school during their seventh grade year, and then be assessed for readiness by the band teacher for participation in their 8th grade year.
- Grade 7
- Fine Arts
This ensemble is for eighth grade students who have satisfactorily completed seventh grade band (or an equivalent level through private lessons) and would like to continue their instrumental music learning by performing advanced junior high music. There are required performances outside the school day that are part of the students' quarter grades. These include the high school varsity homecoming football game; the Fall Festival at the Oakwood Community Center; winter and spring concerts; and That Day in May community parade.
Students who do not have at least two years of prior participation in band, or an equivalent experience through private lessons on a band instrument should enroll in an alternative music course.
- Grade 8
- General Electives
In this course, students will build a foundation in computer-based problem solving and basic computing. Students will then use these skills individually and in groups to develop interactive animations and games.
Parent's permission to use the internet is required for participation in this course.
- Grade 8
- General Electives
Students will build and program robots using hands-on, student-friendly materials. Topics of study will include programming, simple engineering, research skills, teamwork, and current events.
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- General Electives
This course will apply and extend programming and robotics principles from Beginning Robotics I through design, problem solving, research, and communication skills. Students will design robot configurations and programs that solve real world problems. Students will further develop research skills as they identify and analyze global challenges with creative solutions and will then communicate and defend designs.
Topics of study will include higher level programming such as loops, switches, and decision making as well as teamwork and current events.
Prerequisite: Must have completed Beginning Robotics I with a passing grade.
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- Fine Arts
Fundamentals of voice, choral singing, theory, harmony, and music appreciation are taught. Ensemble and solo work begins. Participants are expected to perform in public.
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- English
This course will expose students to a variety of genres in composition and speech. Students will write narrative, informative, persuasive, and research pieces and then create speaking opportunities based on their writing and thinking in these areas.
Students will learn how to develop and organize multi-paragraph essays and implement revision strategies. Students will also develop speaking ability by focusing on verbal and nonverbal communication skills. This class will utilize a workshop approach in which the teacher uses extensive modeling, peer discussion, thinking strategies reflected in graphic organizers, and publishing tools to helps students to become more competent writers and effective speakers.
- Grade 8
- General Electives
Are you fascinated by computers and wonder how they do what they do? This course will introduce students to the history of computers, cyber-security, hardware, and computer networking. Parent's permission to use the Internet is required for participation in this course.
Prerequisite: Must have completed Computer Applications with a passing grade.
- Grade 8
Core Requirements
The State of Ohio often revises the requirements for high school graduation. Depending upon courses taken, junior high students may take courses that meet high school requirements. Examples of such courses include Algebra I, Geometry, Spanish 8, and French 8, each of which is also included in high school GPA. For additional information about current graduation requirements, please reference Oakwood High School's program of study.
Seventh Grade Program
- Required Common Curriculum
- Required: At least one from this cluster:
- Required: At least one from this cluster:
- Electives
Required Common Curriculum
- Early World History: Meets 5 periods per week
- English: Meets 5 periods per week
- Gateway 7 Design and Modeling: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Mathematics: Meets 5 periods per week
- Personal Finance: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Physical Education & Health: Meets 1 semester per year
- Reading and Writing Connections: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Science: Meets 5 periods per week
Required: At least one from this cluster:
Required: At least one from this cluster:
- Beginning Robotics I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Beginning Robotics II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Critical Thinking: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Directed Study Hall
- Drama 101 - Meets 1 quarter per year
- Drama 102 - Meets 1 quarter per year
- Drawing and Painting I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Drawing and Painting II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- French 7: Meets 5 periods per week for one semester
- History on Display: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Home Improvement: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Intro to FCS: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Investing 101: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Jazz Band: Meets 2 periods per week during Zero Period
- Junior High Yearbook: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Principles of Food: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Sculpture I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Sculpture II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Self Care 101: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Spanish 7: Meets 5 periods per week for one semester
- STEM Exploration I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- STEM Exploration II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Transitions and Careers: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Video Production: Meets 1 quarter per year
Eighth Grade Program
Required Common Curriculum
- Composition & Communication: Meets 2 quarters per year
- Early American History: Meets 5 periods per week
- English: Meets 5 periods per week
- Gateway to Technology 8: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Mathematics: Meets 5 periods per week
- Physical Education & Health: Meets 1 semester per year
- Science: Meets 5 periods per week
- A Cappella: Meets 5 periods per week for 2 Qts.
- Band 8: Meets 5 periods per week for 2 Qts.
- Basic Programming Skills: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Beginning Robotics I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Beginning Robotics II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Choir: Meets 5 periods per week for 2 Qts.
- Computer Science: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Critical Thinking: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Directed Study Hall
- Drama 101 - Meets 1 quarter per year
- Drama 102 - Meets 1 quarter per year
- Drawing and Painting I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Drawing and Painting II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- French 8: Meets 5 periods per week all year
- History on Display: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Home Improvement: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Intro to FCS: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Intro to Guitar: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Investing 101: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Jazz Band: Meets 2 periods per week during “0” Period
- Junior High Yearbook: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Music History: Rock and Roll: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Orchestra 8: Meets 5 periods per week for 2 Qts.
- Principles of Food: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Sculpture I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Sculpture II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Self Care 101: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Spanish 8: Meets 5 periods per week all year
- STEM Exploration I: Meets 1 quarter per year
- STEM Exploration II: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Transitions and Careers: Meets 1 quarter per year
- Video Production: Meets 1 quarter per year
Peer tutoring is available to students who may need extra academic help in a class. OHS National Honor Society students tutor other students in grades Kindergarten through twelve. There is no charge for the student receiving tutoring. For more information about this program, contact the School Counselor through the Junior High Office (297-5328).