School Counselor
Hilary Waugh
OJH Counselor
Hello! My name is Hilary Waugh and I am very excited to serve Oakwood Junior High as the School Counselor. Please see below on ways I can help your student have a successful year at OJH.
Scheduling Help
Need help scheduling? Visit our OJH Scheduling Information page.
emotional wellness
Oakwood Schools is committed to educating the whole child by providing a safe environment with challenging academics, social and emotional learning supports, health education, and family/community engagement.
What does a school counselor do?
The goal is to help all students. In order to do so, I will provide individual, group and classroom counseling throughout the year.
Some Topics That Could Be Covered:
- Social/Personal Development
- Communication
- Upstander Education
- Coping Skills
- Grief
- Divorce
- Making Friends
- Familial Interactions
- Stress Management
College/Career Readiness
- Strength and Interest Surveys
- Career Exploration
- Education Options
- College Exploration
- Organization
- Test taking skills
- Study skills
- Test anxiety
- Time management
School counselors keep information confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others, or when legal requirements demand confidential information be revealed. Essentially, what is said in the counseling office stays in the counseling office with the following exceptions:
- Students discuss someone hurting them
- Students want to hurt someone else
- And/or students want to hurt themselves.
A school counselor will consult with appropriate professionals when in doubt as to the validity of an exception.
How to schedule an appointment
How to Schedule an Appointment
- Email Miss Waugh
- Complete a self-referral form outside of counselor’s office
- Call or email Miss Waugh
Registration Information
New Student Enrollment
Students new to the district need the following documents to enroll in school:
- Original Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residency (Deed or Lease)
- Immunization Records
- Custody papers, if applicable
These documents are required and/or helpful for academic placement:
- Transcript or report card
- Test data - Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Terra Nova, State Tests, etc.
- IEP or 504 documentation, if applicable
- Gifted documentation, if applicable