A school logged parent/guardian phone call received by the attendance office, on each day of the student’s absence, for any excused absences below, is sufficient to excuse the student’s absence.
After the student’s eighth (8th) parent phone call, upon the student’s return to school the parent/guardian shall provide written documentation from a treating physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant stating the day(s) absent and reason for such absence. If within two (2) school days after returning to school following an absence, written documentation has not been received, the absence will be “unexcused.”
- The parent/guardian (and not the school) maintains responsibility to make certain the telephone call and/or absence note was submitted to the proper school attendance authority in a timely fashion.
- If the parent/guardian fails to contact the school and school personnel have to initiate contact with the parent/guardian via phone call and they DO NOT make direct contact with a parent/guardian the absence will be considered unexcused until a parent/guardian makes direct contact with the attendance office on the day of the student’s absence. After that date, the student must submit a written parent note within two (2) days to excuse the absence.
Excused Absences:
- Personal illness
- Illness in the family
- Death of a relative
- Medical or dental appointment
- Observance of religious holiday
- Trips on which the student is accompanied by his/her parent(s) and about which advanced written notice has been given to the school
- An emergency or situation, which in the judgment of the administration constitutes a good and sufficient case.