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Welcome to the OJH/OHS Library Media Center

Library Hours
8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
(exceptions listed on calendar outside the Library)

It is the mission of the OJH/OHS LMC to encourage students to be responsible and ethical information users by providing instruction and equitable access to information and technology in order to prepare them for the post-secondary world. The library media program also strives to promote reading by maintaining a current and diverse collection that reflects students' curriculum needs and interests. Additionally, it is the role of the library media program to provide teachers with the support they need in order to fulfill a comprehensive and enriching standards-based education.

Books lined up on a bookshelf

Library Policies

Student Resources

Mindi Ashworth

Mindi Ashworth

Library Media Specialist
ext. 10128

Book Squad

Book Squad is the OJH/OHS book club, which meets the second Thursday of most months from 11:49-12:19 p.m. in the Library. If you like to read, talk about about books, and eat snacks, Book Squad is for you!

Readers' Advisory

Good Reads